The Samaritans: 116 123
Shout: text to 85258 (24/7 crisis text line)
The Silver Line (free, confidential, 24hr helpline for older people): 0800 470 8090
The Military Mental Health Helpline: 0800 323 4444BEAT (eating disorders): 0808 801 0677
The Bereavement Counselling Charity (East Hampshire): 07827 491902
The Princes Royal Trust for Carers (Hampshire): 01264 835246
Winston's Wish (childhood bereavement): 08088 020 021
Cruse (bereavement): 0333 252 9152
Equality Advisory Support Service (discrimination): 0808 800 0082
Refuge (domestic, sexual and honour-based violence, FGM, human trafficking, modern slavery):
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
IDAS (sexual violence support): 03000 110 110
Relate (relationship issues): 0300 100 1234
Alcoholics Anonymous: 0800 9177 650
Gamblers Anonymous:
Narcotics Anonymous: 0300 999 1212
MIND (mental health issues): 0300 123 3393
Switchboard (LGBT+ support): 0300 330 0630
Young Minds (parents' helpline - child and young person mental health and wellbeing): 0808 802 5544
Childline (support for children, teens and young adults): 0800 1111
STOP IT NOW (support for child abusers): 0808 1000 900
Survivors UK (male rape and sexual abuse): 020 3322 1860 (text) or 074 9181 6064 (What's App)
The Survivor's Trust (rape and sexual abuse): 0808 801 0818
Talk to Frank (recreational substance advice for young people): 0300 123 6600
PAC-UK (adoption support agency):
Papyrus HOPELineUK (prevention of young suicide): 0800 068 41 41
CALM (prevention of male suicide): 0800 58 58 58
SOBS UK (survivors of bereavement by suicide): 0300 111 5065
Julia Samuel (psychotherapist and author, specialising in bereavement and offering other helpful contacts):
Julia Samuel (as above: The 8 Pillars of Strength - system for supporting oneself through grief and loss):